Stability and control of nonlinear vibrating systems

24 May — 28 May 2015, Sperlonga, Italy

Final report

Dates and location

24 May — 28 May 2015, Sperlonga, Italy


Prof. Angelo Luongo


Dr. Sara Casciati

Conference fees

  • Senior early registration fee: 400.00 €
  • Senior registration fee: 450.00 €
  • PhD early registration fee: 300.00 €
  • PhD registration fee: 350.00 €
  • Senior early registration +accompanying person (140€): 540.00 €
  • Senior registration +accompanying person (140€): 590.00 €
  • PhD early registration +accompanying person (140€): 440.00 €
  • PhD registration +accompanying person (140€): 490.00 €
  • Post-colloquium PRIN meeting: 80.00 €

What other funding was obtained?


What were the participants offered?


Applicants (members)

  1. Alexander Belyaev
  2. Fabio Casciati
  3. Francesco D'Annibale
  4. Lucia Faravelli
  5. Ivan Giorgio
  6. Oded Gottlieb
  7. Muhammad Hajj
  8. Hans Irschik
  9. Claude Henri Lamarque
  10. Stefano Lenci
  11. Giuseppe Rega
  12. Jerzy Warminski
  13. Jerzy Warminski
  14. Daniele Zulli

Applicants (non members)

  1. Mohamed Belhaq
  2. Patrick Brewick
  3. Francesco Cannizzaro
  4. Nicola Caterino
  5. Alessandro Della Corte
  6. Francesco DELL ISOLA
  7. Alberto Di Matteo
  8. Lihong Feng
  9. Pilade Foti
  10. Francesco Foti
  11. Andrea Guerrieri
  12. Giuseppe Habib
  13. Muhammad Hajj
  14. Lukasz Jankowski
  15. Elzbieta Jarzębowska
  16. Devin Kalafut
  17. Gaetan Kerschen
  18. Michael Krommer
  19. Angela Madeo
  20. Sami Masri
  21. Simon Neild
  22. Simon Neild
  23. Yi-Qing Ni
  24. Giuseppe Piccardo
  25. Antonina Pirrotta
  26. Andre Preumont
  27. Laura Ruzziconi
  28. Laura Ruzziconi
  29. Daria Scerrato
  30. Valeria Settimi
  31. Alexander Seyranian
  32. David Steigmann
  33. Alois Steindl
  34. Federica Tubino
  35. Wim van Horssen
  36. Marian Wiercigroch
  37. Mohammad Younis
  38. Slawomir Zolkiewski
  39. Slawomir Zolkiewski

Scientific report

The aim of the proposed Colloquium consists of bringing together scientists with interest in the topics of Structural Stability and Structural Control. In the past, several Euromech colloquia were held on these two topics but the two communities were kept separated. Bridging together the main results obtained on the common case-studies, such as flexible light structures and cables, might lead to interesting developments and will likely improve a common understanding of the state of the art, the latest trends, and the common terminology for both topics.
The focus is placed on nonlinear vibrating systems, where nonlinearity arises from the large oscillations induced by external excitation of stochastic or deterministic nature on the studied mechanical system. Applications in these areas will be welcome, as will cuttingedge research in interdisciplinary problems involving civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering.

Number of participants from each country

Country Participants
Germany 1
Italy 1
United States 1
Total 53